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Boscombe's Overstrand building and surf pods The once rundown resort has had its pier and promenade restored. Is surf reef good for Boscombe?

The multimillion-pound redevelopment of a once rundown Dorset seafront has scooped a regeneration award.


Boscombe's Spa Village, home to Europe's first artificial surf reef, was named best project at the Local Government Chronicle Awards.Bournemouth Borough Council said the recognition was due to the support it had received from local entrepreneurs and years of team work.

Boscombe Spa Village, Bournemouth Borough Council  Consultant Artist - working with the Planning Group and Design team and in consultation  with community representatives to advise on and identify opportunities for public art within the new  Boscombe Spa Village and how permanent artworks, interventions and street furniture may be embedded within the design;

Production of an illustrated document recommending commissions, artists, outline budgets,  develop a thematic concept based on a ‘celebration of mind and body’ inextricably linked to the natural environment and health, learning and the natural world. Document titled:

‘Boscombe in the 21st century –proposal for integrating art into Boscombe Spa Village’.

Discussions were held with Dr. Steve Fletcher Coastal and Marine Affairs, School of Conservation Sciences to inform research for a thematic concept.



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